Product photos of sporting goods
Продуктови снимки на спортни стоки

Product photos of sporting goods


Sporting goods, as well as all accessories and accessories, are a constant choice in the daily lives of many people around the world. Whether the reason for this is due to some fashion trend, way of life or cultural moment, urban adaptation or social connection, it is an indisputable fact that sporting goods are a part of our lives. And the sports industry is at the forefront of world economic statistics.

Tennis clothing has been something of a benchmark in certain circles since the 1920s. It is talked about when people go on vacation or admit their children to college. At that time, tennis clothing symbolized style. Such a model of perception is characteristic of almost every sport.

Whether we are swimming, riding, playing football, fishing, climbing a mountain or going to a tent, we need to be dressed appropriately, be comfortable and have the right accessories and tools.

Sales of sports equipment are big business, with a lot of fierce competition. To move forward, big brands such as Adidas, Nike, Puma, etc., in addition to producing quality products,  also conduct great marketing campaigns to gain popularity and become popular.

We know that any good marketing campaign also needs flawless product photos, videos and other means of communication with potential customers.

Product photos of sporting goods cover everything – clothes, shoes, accessories, luxury goods, controversial appliances and equipment. We find product photos of sporting goods in catalogs, online stores, websites, billboards, magazines, social media, blogs. This means that product photography of sporting goods is a mixture of almost all genres of product photography.


Current shooting topics are:

  • on a white background
  • images in context
  • accentuate detail
  • lifestyle
  • grouping
  • 360 degree view
  • extreme shots
  • commercial photos
  • catalog photos
  • fashion

To be inspiring with your work you need to know all genres of product photography.


Basic principles and practices in shooting sports goods


The main mission of the sporting goods photographer and his job is to build awareness and be able to convey a message to consumers. The category of sporting goods photography includes all those basic products, accessories and equipment.

That’s why images of this type of product can be in any style –  from a white background or an invisible mannequin, to an extreme scene with a live model.  Of course, successful marketing will use a combination of all.


Pictures of sporting goods on a pure white background

If e-commerce images are needed and we want the product as it really is, without unnecessary distraction, then a simple white background would do a fantastic job.  Professional photographers often use photo tents in their studios, with which save time for settings and post-processing.

Product photos of sporting goods

Photo: https: //


Textured backgrounds on the other hand are great for branding  and expressing mood. They also make the products more memorable. Images of this type are more often shared on social media.

To be successful, the professional will look for a solution, choosing a background that is somehow associated with the product – wood, marble, rock, sand.

Product photos of sporting goods

Photo: https: //


Close-up photos of sporting goods


Shooting active clothing  can be more challenging than shooting casual clothes. Sportswear usually has a unique function and the professional should try to reflect it.

Therefore, any distinctive feature, such as breathable fabric, zipper, special stitches and any other extras needs to be captured through detailed photography. The details are a chance for the prospective buyer to be encouraged.

Product photos of sporting goods


One of the most effective ways professionals use to show off clothes and focus on specific details is to shoot with an invisible mannequin. The invisible mannequin is actually an ordinary mannequin on which the clothes are worn, and when retouching each frame, the mannequin is removed.

Product photos of sporting goods



Customers can see a three-dimensional view of the garment, finer details of the fabric inside, and gain a clear idea of how the clothes fit and how they would look on themselves, without being distracted.


Photos of sporting goods in context

Under no circumstances should we ignore images of sports products  in context. With them we recreate the real environment and show their application. Here we will need models for demonstration. Famous brands often include in their campaigns popular athletes and active sports people.

The main message they are trying to instill in the audience is for people to follow fashion trends. “Dressed as one of them” or “Owns this product. I have to have it too. ”

The professional photographer will make sure that these messages are present in his photos.

Product photos of sporting goodsPhoto:


Pictures of outdoor sporting goods

Sometimes it is best to shoot the products in their natural environment. Creating a sense of place can improve sportswear, for example, and enliven your images. Including a model wearing a garment, wearing an accessory or using a specific appliance is almost always the best way to encourage customers to visualize.


Pictures of sporting goods with a 360-degree view

360-degree photography is a way to bring a product to life. It fits especially well as a practice in shooting sports goods  – from clothes to fitness equipment, snowboards, bicycles. The way the product photographer conveys real messages and the user gets a great experience.


What do we need to know about lighting when taking pictures of sporting goods?

The key light is the one that is the main source. It is always good to start with its settings. * A lamp or flash is usually placed on the front and one on the side. * A reflector is needed to reduce the brightness and minimize shadows. The addition of * reflector against key light, * helps to fill darker areas.

More light in the foreground, back or top will play a complementary role. This way you will be sure that * the images will be clear * and all the details you want to emphasize will be visible.


Basic settings of the equipment

ISO  measures the sensitivity of the image sensor to light.

In product photography, it is customary to start with the lowest possible ISO values ​​and gradually increase as needed. As the ISO increases, however, the quality of the image itself deteriorates,  which acquires a grainy structure.

Depth of field is a major factor for high quality product footage. You need maximum frame focus, and a large aperture will help. Passing more light to the subject will create greater depth of field and clear focus.

For still images, low shutter speeds will not be a problem because you will be using a tripod. If you’re shooting action shots of sporting goods, you need to bet at high speeds to focus on a moving subject. Investing in the right lens always makes sense for a successful shot.




The point of view in product photography is the main ingredient in the recipe for success.

Any product can look great if you can pick the right shooting angle. With many different angles you will include details that you would not want to go unnoticed by users.

As mentioned, successful marketing uses a combination of images because the customer does not want to see just a sneaker or the print of a T-shirt. He certainly needs a look at the back of the T-shirt or the sole of the sneaker.

The customer will be interested in whether the item fits him. What would you look like with him in a real environment? In case the main focus is equipment, fitness equipment, bicycle, snowboard, the user will be directed to many details.


Here are some of the basic views that are good to do:

  • Frontal shot of face and back
  • 45 degrees to the right and left
  • 90 degrees / flat – top
  • Detailed shots – logo, fabric, edging, buttons, zippers, etc.
  • Model shots – action and lifestyle are a great way to show the appropriate design and application of each item.

Product photos of sporting goods

Sportswear and equipment are designed to encourage movement. This is one of the reasons to get shots with right angles, emphasizing the characteristics of sporting goods. Take for example a pair of sneakers. An image of a running man will radiate much more persuasiveness than a static shot.

One of the most current trends currently imposed by Instagram is Flatlay or so on. flat shot taken from above. Photos with products taken in this way allow grouping of items, such as clothes, accessories. There are many well-known brands in whose profiles we can see artistically presented plots with “packages” of their products.

Product photos of sporting goods


How many shots are enough to give the client the right feeling?

To be successful, your sporting goods photography needs a minimum of three product images. But for maximum results, five to ten frames are preferable.

Another important trend in shooting sports goods are videos. Demonstration of products with video gives additional appeal.

Whether you choose video, photos or both, mostly think about how to

integrate all elements, to create a visually interesting environment and your photos of sporting goods to be attractive and successful.